This is a resource page associated with the presentation that I delivered at the Genre 2012 Conference at Carleton University. It was prepared for a panel that I proposed with two of my colleagues at Syracuse University, focused primarily on genre-based pedagogies for graduate education. In some ways, this is a companion piece to the essay (“Discipline and Publish: Reading and Writing the Scholarly Network”) that I wrote for Dobrin’s Ecology, Writing Theory, and New Media, in the sense that the essay provides more of a rationale while the presentation is much heavier on examples. At the very least, both emerged from the same line of thought.



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I don’t really do a very detailed set of speaker notes. What I did this time was to draft out a version of the talk, so I could get a sense of how and when I’d say particular things, transition from section to section, etc. Then I translated it into a numbered list, where the numbers are the slides, and the notes are things like publication dates, keywords (if I want to make sure to say them), etc. They’re mainly just triggers, and I sometimes drift a little ways away from them. I only make very occasional use of those notes–it’s the process of compiling them that serves the purpose.

I should also mention that I made a couple of changes from the rough draft that I posted here prior to the conference. Originally, I used Williams’ “Phenomenology of Error” and Moretti’s book to represent the micro and macro ends of a spectrum along which we “see language,” but I had too much framing going on, so I dropped those couple of slides, and added one more example. The headings along the top of the example slides drew on that, but I didn’t have the time to edit them all out, so I just left it there as kind of a progress indicator.


Artemeva, Natasha, and Janna Fox. “Awareness Versus Production: Probing Students’ Antecedent Genre Knowledge.” Journal of Business and Technical Communication 24 (2010): 476-515.
Barthes, Roland. Roland Barthes by Roland Barthes. New York: Farrar, Strauss, and Giroux, 1977.
Berkenkotter, Carol, and Thomas Huckin. Genre Knowledge in Disciplinary Communication. Hillsdale, NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum, 1995.
Bernhardt, Stephen. “Seeing the Text.” College Composition and Communication 37.1 (1986).
Drucker, Johanna. Speclab: Digital Aesthetics and Projects in Speculative Computing. Chicago: U of Chicago Press, 2009.
Galloway, Alexander. Gaming: Essays on Algorithmic Culture. Minneapolis: U of Minnesota Press, 2006.
Micciche, Laura, and Alison Carr. “Toward Graduate-Level Writing Instruction.” College Composition and Communication 62.3 (2011): 477-501.
Miller, Carolyn. “Genre as Social Action.” Quarterly Journal of Speech 70.2 (1984): 151-67.
Moretti, Franco. Graphs, Maps, Trees: Abstract Models for a Literary Theory. London: Verso, 2005.
Williams, Joseph. “The Phenomenology of Error.” College Composition and Communication 32 (1981): 152-168.

Slide 4: (Flickr) Photo from Computers and Writing Graduate Research Network
Slide 7-8: (Flickr) Fiduz, “Do You Love Reading?
Slide 9: wordcloud of Miller created with Wordle
Slide 10: Elevation map of the Turkey Lakes Watershed
Slide 11: New York Times, “The Words They Used
Slide 12: citation map of Miller created using yED
Slide 13: (Flickr) Derek Mueller, “760 CMap Project” (created with CMap)
Slide 14: Collin Brooke and Derek Mueller, CCC tagcloud, available at
Slide 15: Valdis Krebs, “Divided We Stand…Still
Slide 16: Christopher Warnow, “A Thousand Milieus
Slide 17: Dan Wang, “Is There a Canon in Economic Sociology?
Slide 18: (Flickr) Teresa, “Busy
Slide 19: (Flickr) keristars, “Altered Book Art
Slide 20: XKCD, “Map of Online Communities” (2010)
Slide 21: Screen capture from Civilization 5