As best as I’m able, I’m going to try to locate scripts and/or slide decks for these talks, but that process is going to be fairly slow, as those materials are stored in several different places. If there’s a particular presentation that you’re interested in, let me know, and I’ll do what I can to track it down.
“The N-Visible College: Trading in our Citations for RTs.” Networked Humanities: From Within and Without the University, University of Kentucky. February 2013.
“Visually Re/Framing the Genres of Graduate Education.” Genre 2012. Ottawa, ON, Canada. June 2012.
“To Affinity…and Beyond! Rhetoric from a Network Perspective.” Center for Writing Studies Colloquium, University of Illinois. March 2011.
“The Game Outside the Game (WoW).” Computers and Writing 2010. W. Lafayette, IN. May 2010.
“The Rhetorical Wisdom of Crowds: Circulation, Community, Culture.” Rhetoric Society of America Conference. Minneapolis, MN. May 2010.
“Writing Retooled: Loop, Channel, Layer, Stream.” The Conference on College Composition and Communication. Louisville, KY. March 2010.
“You Have a Citation Request. Please Confirm.” Panel: Technology and Composition: Implications for the Profession. Modern Language Association. San Francisco, CA. Dec. 2008.
“Technological Inventions.” The Conference on Rhetorical Theory. University of South Carolina. Columbia, SC. October, 2008.
“Collection Agencies and Aging Collectives: Re-Composing the Discipline.” The Thomas R. Watson Conference on Rhetoric and Composition Louisville, KY. October, 2008.
“Visualizing the Invisible Collage of Research.” The Conference on College Composition and Communication. New Orleans, LA. April 2008. [I delivered my presentation as a narrated deck of slides, so the file at the end of this link is fairly large.]
“Blogologies: Roland Barthes as Proto-Blogger.” Computers and Writing Conference. Detroit, MI. June 2007.
“Re/Visions of a Field: Representing Disciplinary Identities in the Pages of College Composition and Communication.” [Featured Session] The Conference on College Composition and Communication. New York, NY. March 2007.
“Rhetoricizing Technology, Technologizing Rhetoric” Modern Language Association Convention. Philadelphia, PA. December 2006.
“Disciplinary Databasics: Visualizing the Network of Rhetoric.” The Rhetoric Society of America Conference. Memphis, TN. June 2006.
“Mirror, Mirror on the Web.” The Conference on College Composition and Communication. Chicago, IL. March 2006.
“Learning from the Long Tail.” NFAIS Annual Humanities Roundtable. New York, NY. October 2005.
“The Power of Burking without Burking.” Penn State Conference on Rhetoric and Composition. University Park, PA. July 2005.
“Deixis: Small Worlds and Weblogs.” Computers and Writing Online. May 2005.
“The Aftermath of Access: From Critical to Creative Computer Literacies.” The Conference on College Composition and Communication. San Francisco, CA. March, 2005.
“Networks: The Ne(x)t Wave in Computers and Writing.” Convergences. Raleigh, NC. November, 2004.
“Roving for Catalysis: E-Lists and Economies of Belonging.” Computers and Writing Conference. Lafayette, IN. May, 2003.
“Terminal Politics: Complicating the Idea of Access.” The Conference on College Composition and Communication. New York, NY. March, 2003.
“Multimedia, Myself and I: Putting Style in Perspective(s).” The Thomas R. Watson Conference on Rhetoric and Composition. Louisville, KY. Ocotber, 2002.
“Web Standards and the Tyranny of the User.” The Rhetoric Society of America Conference. Las Vegas, NV. June, 2002.
“’You Are Here’: Meta(geo)physics of Presence and the CCCC.” The Conference on College Composition and Communication. Chicago, IL. March, 2002.
Moderator and Panelist, “New Words, New Worlds.” 23rd Annual Literary Festival, Old Dominion University, Norfolk, Virginia. October, 2000.
“Cut to Future: The Prospect of Ergodic Cinema.” Digital Arts & Culture 2000. Bergen, Norway.
“Hypertext in an Age of Vidiocy.” Computers and Writing. Ft. Worth, TX. May, 2000.
’What we might become if’: Card’s Catalog and the Shape of Hypertexts to Come.” The Conference on College Composition and Communication. Minneapolis, MN. April, 2000.
“No Deposit, No Return: Memory Banking Models in the Writing Classroom.” The Conference on College Composition and Communication. Atlanta, GA. March, 1999.