
About Me

Hi there. I’m Collin Brooke, and I’m an Associate Professor of Rhetoric and Writing at Syracuse University, where I’ve been since the fall of 2001. I’m the author of Lingua Fracta: Towards a Rhetoric of New Media (2009), and any number of various articles and chapters, some of which you’ll find on this site under Publications.

I’ve been blogging with more or less frequency since about 2003, and this is the second iteration of my weblog. With the emergence of social media, I tend to split my time between this site and services like Facebook and Twitter, so while I’m online pretty constantly, this space is for the longform writing that I do. I write mostly here about academic issues, although you’ll find an occasional pop culture post as well. The relationship between rhetoric and technology has been an enduring focus of my work since graduate school; it tends to inform my writing in this space as well.

I’m in the middle of shifting this site over to a new structure/theme, and so if pieces of it don’t quite make sense, that’s almost certainly the reason.

Recent Writing

Five by Five for Rhetsy

The August 31st issue of Rhetsy marks the beginning of a new school year for...
August 30, 2015

5 Tools (& Habits) to Start the Year in Graduate School #rhetsy

The orientation day for our graduate program is Monday, and I’ve been tapped to speak...
August 21, 2015

So long, and thanks for all the… #JonVoyage

Jon Stewart’s final episode as host of The Daily Show aired this past Thursday, and I...
August 9, 2015

Rhetsy: Under the Hood

Today marks the half-year anniversary of Rhetsy, and while half a year doesn’t sound like...
June 29, 2015
Appearances (in print or person)

Title: Cognition in the Wild(fire): Digital Rhetoric and Peak Virality (video archive)

Indiana Digital Rhetoric Symposium

Indiana University, April 9-11, 2015

Title: Entropics of Discourse (youtube)

University of Texas (DRW), March 6, 2015

book cover for Thinking With Bruno Latour

“Bruno Latour’s Posthuman Rhetoric of Assent.” Thinking with Bruno Latour in Rhetoric and Composition. Eds. Paul Lynch & Nathaniel Rivers. Carbondale: Southern Illinois University Press, 2015. 151-164.

“New Media Pedagogy.” A Guide to Composition Pedagogies, 2nd Edition. Eds. Gary Tate, Amy Rupiper Taggart, Kurt Schick, & H. Brooke Hessler. New York: Oxford University Press, 2013.